Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The CTS Training Parameters

Yesterday, I finished discussing the topic of Accuracy Versus Strength by alluding to training parameters. Today I will begin to identify these parameters and hopefully unambiguously define them. To introduce the importance of this topic, I borrow from waaek's comment to yesterday's post:
...people use CTS in different ways and for their own purposes. I personally use CTS as [a] source of tactical training puzzles to train my analysis ability. My goal is to improve the accuracy, and over time, speed, of my analysis. Accuracy at this point is by far the #1 concern for me.
The notion of "using" CTS covers not only one's goals but also one's approach to training. But how are we to know the efficacy of our training methods? I propose that the first step is to identify quantitatively the components of those training methods and to give them concrete definitions.

A tactician's rating, or more accurately his Glicko rating, is a bottom-line measurement of his strength as a tactician. Several assumptions are used by the Glicko rating system but the most critical (and perhaps most fallacious) assumption is that a tactician will use rating and rating alone as his sole indicator of progress. As discussed yesterday and as evidenced by comments like waaek's, this assumption is categorically wrong most of the time. The truth of the matter is that different tacticians are comfortable with different training methods and these methods directly impact their rating.

Accuracy Rate
Most CTS tacticians are familiar with their accuracy as an aggregate statistic that summarizes their total passes and total fails for all problems solved at CTS. However, because training habits change over time, using the aggregate accuracy of a tactician to measure his tactical strength can be misleading. Instead, I propose the concept of accuracy rate, which measures a tactician's accuracy over a certain number of problems. For example, during my last 500 problems I have missed ("failed") nine problems and solved correctly ("passed") 491, giving me an accuracy 98.2% for these 500 problems. So an accuracy rate must combine both the accuracy and the number of problems solved at that accuracy. Here is the formula I propose to calculate accuracy rate (see below for a mathematical explanation):
-N * log(1 - A)
Here, A is the accuracy of a tactician over number of problems N.

Let's see how this definition behaves when comparing some hypothetical problem runs:

Number SolvedAccuracyAccuracy Rate

So, were one to interpret accuracy rate (rather loosely) as solving power, the accuracy rate suggests that solving 200 problems at 99% accuracy takes much more solving power than solving 100 problems of equivalent difficulty at 98% accuracy.

I am open to alternative proposals for a metric to quantify accuracy rate. Please submit comments if you have any suggestions.

I have several more training parameters to define, but its getting late, so I'll finish with my performance today followed by a mathematical explanation of accuracy rate for the curious.

99% @ 1410 ± 89 ; 1383 final

An Explanation of Accuracy Rate
To combine accuracy and problems solved to create an accuracy rate, I propose borrowing from a common technique used to multiply probabilities, which makes use of this property of logarithms:
log(p1 * p2) = log(p1) + log(p2)
The idea is that, the higher a tacticians accuracy, the less likely that his answers arise from chance. So the combination I propose is
-N * log(1-A)
where A is the accuracy of a tactician over number of problems N. Subtracting A from 1 comes from the fact that a higher accuracy means a lower likelihood of guessing. Taking the negative of the product is a simple way of making the score a positive number because the log of a fraction is negative. Multiplying N and A comes from the following property of logarithms:
log(XY) = Y * log(X)


transformation said...

this is similar 'weighted averages', moment distribution in structural engineering, or moments of inertia, where all the parts of a plane (or solid in 3d) interact relative to a centroid or centroidal form, in describing how a shape performs.

so, totally agreed. thousands done at 96.3% with MANY thousands done >1400, a fair amount at >1500, and a lot more >1350 is not a bad thing at CTS....

a way to view this without scripts in comparing different tacticians is to see:

how high their top twenty trophies are, and how low their bottom twenty nightmares, and highest rating, RELATIVE to percentage performance, and weighted average per problem.

im tired too...

BTW, just curious: do you ever read my posts, ever?

recently, i wrote a long comment tonight, about my current chessBase project, in reaching towards wrapping up my 'INCREMENT bullet game' persuit.

warm regards, dk

waaek said...

You can compare CTS tacticians, of course, using any mechanism you choose, but the comparison really only has any meaning if you know or if you're told that the players in question are playing by the same rules.

Playing for ever higher accuracy is a gruelling task, especially if one did not start out very, very carefully to begin with. For example, at this point it will take me 5 THOUSAND consecutive correct solutions (without ONE SINGLE failure) to reach 99%, and each failed problem (due to failing a problem, a bad internet connection, etc.) adds 3 HUNDRED more problems to do.

I really sweat out each problem, not the extremely trivial ones of course, but especially the defensive ones where finding the correct move can be very difficult, even for problems rated under 1500. It turns out many of the problems under 1500 are quite tough to truly calculate all the way to the finish. A "regular, ELO rating" CTS player's job is usually over within 20-30 seconds, while I'm sweating over problems for many minutes at a time sometimes. A particular kind of despair can kick in, "will the connection time out if I don't answer soon?" (that has happened on occasions where I was called away from a CTS session in the middle of a problem and came back and CTS failed me even though I gave the correct answer), and you start doubting your vision. It's key to maintain a positive (but not overconfident! That's another problem) and yet somewhat skeptical attitude (is there any way the opponent can defeat my move/combination?).

transformation said...

waaek, I have this exact same experience as you do. it is stressfull!

folks at 85 and 90 and 95% think that it is just 'sitting and calmly dialing' but, this perfection is very, very hard!

id have to say that 100% of the time, i have the same experience you describe so well...

again, to repeat, most folks dont realized how many correct we must 'do' just to get back to where we would have been, never mind raising the bar.

warm regards to Lasko and you both, dk

waaek said...

I hear you!
Yes, best regards to all.